Friday, May 18, 2012

#2 Bee Hive Ready May 18,2012

Got a call this morning and was told that my next hive/nuc was ready to pick up.
My friend, Mr. Pete Whitley and I drove over to Concord,NC and as we arrived I saw them sitting in their nuc/box ready for transport to their new home, my yard.
We are going to let them sit next to their hive to get use to being here until Sunday after Church. Then Mr. Whitley and I will transfer the frames to the hive and they will be at home sweet home. Love it...

1 comment:

  1. Got a call from the man that sold me my #2 nuc. He told me he gave me the wrong one and was very sorry. I'll be returning the nuc for the exchange nuc in the morning. (Monday 21st.)
    Should be a much better nuc/box of bees from MN.
