Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Feb. Is Here

February has made the corner and it's looking girls (bees) are going to make it through the their first Winter.
Samantha has been feeding my small hive and Teresa makes sure the small light is on during the cold days. Team work is the name of the game. I'm sure my girls appreciate the effort and will become real producers in the Spring.
Making new brood boxes and putting new frames together in the next few weeks to make the splits and homes for new Queens not to far off...

1 comment:

  1. Middle of the month already. Bees are hanging in there. Cold weather has moved in but, I think things will be okay still..The little light in the brood box of my smallest hive may have been what has saved them so this year. About thirty more days and Spring will be in the air...yaaa...I have some tough girls, bees.
