Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Swarm Is Back

Checked on my hives and there seemed to be a  swarm around one of them again.
Reduced the entrance again and will have to wait for results. Hope for the best.
I want my girls to do well. Not be robbed after all their efforts to store honey..
 Amy help with this issue would be welcomed.

New Issues In The Bee Yard

So far so good with the new hives this year. Got a good bill of health from the inspector which made me happy.
But, now comes a new issue. Japanese Beetles in the yard and they are getting on my grape vines as
well as other plants in the yard.

Checked some bee forums and left a couple of messages. Waiting on an answer.
Sent a message to Nancy the Bee Inspector. Hope for an answer from her soon.
Well, will have to wait and will find out what I have to do.

Had a swarm show up at my first hive again today. Put an entrance reducer making the entrance even smaller this time. Put a second short piece of wood blocking the entrance. Will see how that works at a  later date.
My girls are a little work but., still loving every minute with them.